Sunday, December 13, 2009

antes que nada

I hate the word "Blog".  I just wanted to get that out of the way.  I'm sweating while typing this, but I do it because I love my friends and family.  A few of them want to keep tabs on me, so here you go.  For the record, I am eating well and I still have my  head attached.  There is a lot to do around the house / property,  and I brought a couple instruments to keep myself occupied otherwise.  The people here have been very friendly, but I don't see many during the day unless I go into town.  The homes around me on the beach are deserted for the most part, waiting on rich gringos and Mexicans to come air them out at some later date.  This is what I do when it is really warm mediodia.

I'd also like to set the record straight regarding eating fried fish fins - yes, I ate one.  Yes, they taste like a potato chip (easy on the potato, heavy on the fish).  What more can I say at this point?  I think I've covered it all.  Stay tuned for MORE MORE MORE. 


JohnnyBInSD said...

Adam Baby!! Love the blog. I didn't know you spoke Spanish. Muy bueno!! Ha ha. I'll follow your blog.
I'm still working on my Mom's estate stuff. Will start looking for work in the first quarter of 2010. Happy Holidays!!

Johnny B.

Unknown said...

Me gusto el bloggo mucho. I'll try some Spanish para ti, pero sera mostly Splanglish.

Don't work too hard, and wear gloves when you handle those turditos. (Que disgustingo!)

Te amo,

Mama (blanca)