Wednesday, February 3, 2010

¿Sabes "La Bamba" en ingles?

I'm on a tiny couch, trying to decide what's more troubling at the moment - the netbook superheating on my crotch, or the two terriers barking and licking my face and ears like champs.  I'm crooning with Barry while the dogs howl along, and Sheila is trying to get some ridiculous Susan Boyle video to come up on Youtube.  Ahhh, Gringos.

Prior to this little stint online, I had a round of tequila with what seemed like every adult Mexican in the greater Progreso area to celebrate finishing the garage floor.  I'm sure you can guess whos bottle it was.  It was quite the eventful dia, mis amigos.  I built a firepit for Diego to burn trash in proper, ate Mexican food off the trunk of a car with my guitar slung around my neck, ran around the property with ninos in the wheelbarrow, heard tell that Negrito ate a baby duck (score!), contributed to the workers drinking on the job, found un gato en los cocos, etc etc.  Oh yeah, and a crab grabbed my finger and I bled...mucha sangre. 

Yesterday I relearned to ride a motorcycle (un moto).  Today I also met an attractive woman that rents motos, hopefully she has un grande para mi when I'm able to bail out of here for a bit.  I like this blog so's basically me just listing things.  I love lists, and if you know me, you KNOW I'm schpeakin' the truth. 

 Para bailar la bamba,
Para bailar la bamba,
Se necesita una poca de gracia.
Una poca de gracia pa mi pa ti.
Arriba y arriba
Y arriba y arriba, por ti sere,
Por ti sere.
Por ti sere.

Yo no soy marinero.
Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan.
Soy capitan.
Soy capitan.


Para bailar la bamba,
Para bailar la bamba, se necesita una poca de gracia.
Una poca de gracia pa mi pa ti.
Arriba, arriba.

R-r-r-r-r, Ja! Ja!

Para bailar la bamba,
Para bailar la bamba,
Se necesita una poca de gracia.
Una poca de gracia pa mi pa ti.
Arriba y arriba
Y arriba y arriba, por ti sere,
Por ti sere.
Por ti sere.


Behold - the Apocalypse (Diego dancing)

In closing, I'm pleased with myself at the rate I'm getting back into reading...I'm halfway through Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, after finishing a couple other quick reads.  When I was a nino, I couldn't put the book down.  Hopefully I get back to that level of "read"iness. 


honeydunce said...


Wiley Burch said...

Diego must have had a few too many shots.