Oh boy! Let me start this off by saying - I'm really hungry. Yesterday I had what may be the most fluent and congruent conversation in Spanish with Diego that I've had thus far. I can attribute most of this I believe to the wine I'd had up to that point, it's amazing how nervous or embarrassed a person can be to speak a 2nd language; to let the words come out. I think the slight buzz helped. Diego has decided to let Negrito run free (YEAH!) so he can wear down his nails, get some exercise, and enjoy a little more freedom. I've seen him get swatted by los gatos, run circles around the other local stray or two that wander through, and chase me up and down the long sandy drive to the street. He seems much happier now, not that you care.

I've always been impressed by Rappers for many reasons. First of all, what a sweet idea to put diamonds in your teeth, no? Consider the female subjects they choose for the music videos they make - I'm in heaven. The thing that warms my heart the most is a bit of a combo deal...the way they refer to themselves in the third person ALL THE TIME, and with a cool nickname - "Your Boy" or "Ya Boy" or maybe even "Y'Boy". For example, Holla at ya Boy, naw mean?! I'm pretty sure this means, "Hey, get in touch with me at a later time. Do you understand?" Genius. The first picture here is Ya Boy en Los Estados Unidos. The second picture is Ya Boy en Mexico. I hope you can see an improvement in demeanor, color, eyewear, etc. I've done this to hopefully quell the worries of those who may be concerned about my well-being / happiness (Mom).
I spent a great amount of time eating, drinking, and chatting with some Canadians at my place on Christmas. Sheila cooked up a TON of comida for us. My fridge is stuffed to the rafters, and Negrito gets some of the dark meat from the turkey (ironic, si?) cause I don't like it. But I do. Nevermind. We all wore little paper crowns, talked about everything and nothing, and I learned a lot about Quebecers and the general attitude towards them both inside and outside of Canada. Martin, you and I will have to chat at some point.

Now that the holidays are over, I'm looking foward to really getting down to biz on this house-sale thing. Actually, I guess after New Years. Right now, everybody I need help from is either traveling in the States, doing things with family, or high. I've bleached the patios/decks, trimmed back the out-o-control palms, cleaned the HUGE windows (thank God for the big squeegee), etc. Now I just need to find a rich Gringo to buy it. Hasta Luego, Amigos.
It appears that Negrito is Hard Time's Mexican counterpart.
Yo Birch. Took a moment to catch up on your stories and say Feliz Navidad to you. I just got back from Puerto Rico....oh the latin folks sure do pull us midwestern gringos & gringas in. I do believe you also may have a job as a writer someday if all else fails...your blogs are cracking me up!
Glad to hear you are well! Candice
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