Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh yeah! It's a treat-sandwich!

Buenas tardes, interweb.  Once again I find myself staring at the wide back of this gringo lady in the internet cafe, who finds it wise to plug her laptop into the router directly for a "better connection".  I'm wondering if this is the source of my "worser connection"?  I had to endure her on a conference call the other dia with some chaps in the states, it was the biggest load of corporate-speak I've ever heard.  She would talk for a minute straight (loudly on her headset) and I couldn't tell you one thing she actually meant to convey.  I almost had to circle-back to the bathroom and touch base with the action-item coming up from my stomach (which I appreciated and would fast-track to the toilet).  Okay!  Done complaining, let's move on to insane dogs and poor plumbing jobs.
I love Negrito.  He's thin, he's scabby in spots, he's out of his gourd.  What's that Negrito?  You're barking at inanimate objects again?  Great.  Oh, you want to hump me/claw me with your super-long nails from behind while I'm building you a little shelter to keep off the rain and sun?  Have at it.  Knock yourself out.  
I had the pleasure of working on the garbage disposal today, which was super bien - trust me.  It won't run, and I think it's jammed.  Why, you ask?  Could it be the shells and rocks someone apparently tried to grind down the drain some time before I arrived?  Could be.  Es possible.  I borrowed tools from the Canadian/British bloke a km or so up the way, and after I started working on it, I realized that the shells are just the beginning.  The PVC drain pipe looks like it was just shoved into another slightly larger pipe in the wall, and then lightly plastered up - you know, just for kicks.  Smelly water pouring from the wall at the slightest pressure placed on the drain pipe?  Yeah, give me 6 of those in a bag to go!  Long story short, I think I need a plumber.  Creo que si. 

On the book front, I've already burned through one book and I'm halfway through another - Three Cups of Tea, I think it's called (thanks Kim).  Great book, it's about mountain climbing and helping poor kids in Pakistan.  I'm digging it...but not as much as I'm digging rocks out of the garbage disposal.  Yeah!  Hasta luego, Caballeros!  Vayan con Dios!

1 comment:

JohnnyBInSD said...

Adam Baby!! I had lunch today with Amy (Amers)Dickey. Great to see her. She looked and sounded great. Emailed her your blog website. So, you may hear from her down the road.
Weather sounds nice.
Johnny B.